Wendt RA
Today (9/30) in class we spoke about how Things Fall Apart, Potiki , and Sons for the Return Home are initial landmark books for postcolonial literature for their respective cultures. They are the first of many catalysts, in a sense, for newer authors and generations to think more introspectively about how they arrived at their current positions both culturally and personally. But, the first of any type of expression is often experimental and could lean more heavily on the audience than the author to discern and create an impactful meaning. In Sons , I feel that the sparseness of the dialogue and perhaps the reason for its, at times, unclear delivery is to convey some underlying discords and issues that Wendt was unsure how else to communicate. I would argue that a very traceable trend between the several protagonists we’ve encountered this year and the antagonists (whatever secular/non-secular individual/group they maybe) is the lack of effective, relatable communic...