Kisses in the Nederends and Silver Linings

Nathan Galloway
EN376 Dr. Ellis
Silver Linings in “Kisses in the Nederends”
            The driving force behind the plot of Epeli Hau’ofa’s book Kisses in the Nederendsis the pain and suffering that Oilei Bomboki experiences as a result of his multiple anal fistulas. Hau’ofa initially presents Oilei’s experiences as largely negative. However, by the conclusion of the story, Oilei has been transformed into a new man because of the trials he has gone through.  
            In the first half of the book, the experiences that Oilei has are harmful to both himself and his community. His farting and pain result in arguments between his wife and himself where he threatens her viciously. "I promise you, you dried up old bag, if anyone outside these walls hears of this, I'll wring your fucking neck four fucking times. Do you hear, me?" (Hau’ofa, 3) This and many other fights like this deteriorate Oilei and Makarita’s relationship. Each interaction Oilei has with his wife or other members of his community end up in negative consequences until he eventually hits Makarita. 
            This physical altercation is the first of its kind as Oilei recalls “Oilei had never before hit Makarita, that he knew. And he could not recall any time since his boxing days when Oilei had punched anyone else” (Hau’ofa, 75). From this point on Oilei’s experiences with his wife, community, and healers end up leading to positive consequences. He is very reflective of his violence against Makarita and has a change in attitude towards his illness. He is open to Bubul and Babu helping him with his issues as he knows (consciously or subconsciously) that this isn’t just affecting him, but his entire family/community. 
The book ends in happiness for Oilei and Makarita as they join the Third Millennium and come to terms with their previous ideas of beauty, love, and good vs bad. Oilei’s anal fissures end up serving as a learning experience for him because they end up bringing him internal peace which in turn brings him closer to his wife.
I have experienced this phenomenon of a truly negative and damaging experience turning into positive consequences. In 2014, my parents went through an ugly divorce. There was no affair or violence, but the fallout from the split was quite harmful to my brothers and I. The two sides of our family were driven apart and as a 13-year-old family was more or less the most important thing in my life at the time. My younger brother, who was nine years old at the time, and I were extremely dependent on our parents as role models and as the singular source of knowledge and comfort. At a time where I was in a very important part of my development as a young man, my parents split changed my outlook on life in a very big way. At first, I felt like I had been forsaken. How could I trust anyone or put my faith in any relationship if the one stable thing in my life (at the time) fell apart in front of my eyes? 
What saved me and is the silver lining of this story is my younger brother. As a thirteen-year-old, I had to mature extremely quickly so that I could fill the space of role model to my younger brother. My parents at the time were still very immature and confrontational with each other. To counter this and give my younger brother some sort of consistency in his life, I had to fill a role most young teenagers are not asked to fill. 
My parents split also led me to a new and improved school, many more friends, and a new family with my mother's fiancée. These life-altering experiences can either ruin a person and put them in a very dark or they can breathe new life into them. Not everything was peachy with Oilei or I' experiences. There was a lot of hardship and some very damaging events. However, because both Oilei and I had people that loved them deeply and wanted them to get better, the result of these events was personal growth. 


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